Most of you all already know that BVF supports the Bluefields Basic School. Over the past couple of years, though, this support has included the continuing education of the school’s head teacher, Joy Baker-Campbell. We are proud to announce that on 29 November 2012 Joy graduated with Upper Second...
Read MoreThe Bluefields Villas Foundation was founded in late 2009 as the non-profit arm of Bluefields Bay: Jamaican Seaside Villas. The mission of BVF is to protect the natural environment of the villages constituting the coastline of the Bluefields Bay, as well as to protect the aquatic life of the Bay itself. BVF also seeks to contribute to the health, welfare and well-being of the region’s residents. The Bluefields Villas Foundation was not incorporated in 2009 on a whim – its formation as a legal entity was merely an attempt to institutionalize long-established charitable efforts. Bluefields Bay: Jamaican Seaside Villas was founded in 1982, and the resort’s guests have become enchanted enough by the local community to contribute with time and money ever since. Some major pre-BVF achievements included: The donation of thirty computers to the Bluefields People’s Community Association that were used for computer literacy classes; Monthly stipends for the teachers at the Bluefields Basic School for children aged three to five; Financial support for the Bluefields Fisherman’s Association, an organization dedicated to sustainable fishing practices; The building of flush toilets for...